ED Hardy

Ed Hardy結合美國當代紋身界的教父Don Ed Hardy的經典紋身圖案,注入龐克元素及街頭文化,大膽的創造出極具美國搖滾精神的品牌特色。Ed hardy自微風廣場引進開始,急速地成為台灣一種時尚態度與年輕的指標,融合經典紋身藝術圖案和水鑽、鉚釘設計,引爆一場全新的輕奢華潮流。

About Ed Hardy Ed Hardy’s brand concept stems from the combination of Don Ed Hardy’s classic tattoo art with flashy punk elements and street culture. In May of 2005, Breeze Group obtained exclusive label distribution rights. Since then, Ed Hardy has become a fashion indicator and an expression of youthful attitude in Taiwan with its bold and wild American rock & roll spirit.

  • Business Hours:

    週四~週六 11:00~22:00

  • Consumer Hotline: 02-6606-9759